
Any one who knows this error about SQL 65 upgrade? its urgent, thanks.

Hi All,

I am doing the upgrade from SQL6.5 to SQL2K, the server version is:
SQL 6.5 English SP5 on WinNT Enterprise 4.0 English SP6,
new server is SQL 2K standard English SP1 on WinNT Enterprise 4.0 English SP6.

When I use SQL upgrade wizard to perform a two server upgrade, all steps seems ok, when move to the step of "Export & Import Via Name Pipe" I got a error. Pls see the below error. Pls let me know the reason and how to resolve it.

log file: Export and Import via Named Pipe - 007test.err

############# Log file content ############
Export.exe on the remote machine was hung...

Export Exit Code: 259 - export.exe -CodePage 1252 -DeviceType Pipe -AllTables yes -MasterPath D:\MSSQL\DATA\MASTER.DAT -DatabaseName test -DevicePath \\.\pipe\~cnvpipe0

Import Exit Code: -1 - ~cnvpipe0

Msg 4854, Level 21, State 1, Server NTAPPLIX02, Procedure , Line 1

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]****

Time:12-03-2003 17:05:04.433

Error return from function CreateFile

in file CnvPipe.cpp



Msg=Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.

######################################Create/use a domain account for both sql server's service startup account. Make sure to add this domain account to the local admin group. Lastly, login using this domain account to run the upgrade.|||Originally posted by rnealejr
Create/use a domain account for both sql server's service startup account. Make sure to add this domain account to the local admin group. Lastly, login using this domain account to run the upgrade.


Thanks, because the SQL65 server does not join any domain just a stand alone server, and i can not join this SQL server to any existing domain, but the SQL2K server is in a NT domain. Any solution for this situation ? One more problem, is the name pipe only connection method when perform a two server SQL upgrade?

Many thanks,


