
Anybody recognize these tables?

First, apologies if this is the wrong forum for this post - if so please
gently redirect me to the correct place to post.
I have taken over as the DBA/developer on a ProjectServer instance. In my
database there are some groups of talbes that I don't think should be their.
I can't link them to anything in MSPS and they are probably from some
tutorial. The three sets begin with DS_, OBJ_, and UNV_.
The OBJ_ tables have names like OBJ_M_ACTOR and OBJ_M_CHANNEL
The UNV_ tables have names like UNV_RELATIONS and UNV_TAB_OBBJ
As best as I can tell - reviewing MSPS documentation - these have nothing to
do with ProjectServer. They look like they might have been involved in some
sort of Use Case modeling tool or something.
Is anybody familiar with these tables? Am I free to delete them?
Looks like Business Objects to me. All ProjectServer tables are prefixed
with MSP_.
Mark Allison, SQL Server MVP
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Bob wrote:
> First, apologies if this is the wrong forum for this post - if so please
> gently redirect me to the correct place to post.
> I have taken over as the DBA/developer on a ProjectServer instance. In my
> database there are some groups of talbes that I don't think should be their.
> I can't link them to anything in MSPS and they are probably from some
> tutorial. The three sets begin with DS_, OBJ_, and UNV_.
> The DS_ tables are DS_PENDING_JOBS and DS_USER_LIST
> The OBJ_ tables have names like OBJ_M_ACTOR and OBJ_M_CHANNEL
> The UNV_ tables have names like UNV_RELATIONS and UNV_TAB_OBBJ
> As best as I can tell - reviewing MSPS documentation - these have nothing to
> do with ProjectServer. They look like they might have been involved in some
> sort of Use Case modeling tool or something.
> Is anybody familiar with these tables? Am I free to delete them?
> Thanks

