Folks, we're wanting to put a timeout of 2 minutes on the queries which get generated by an ad-hoc report built in Report Builder. This particular report model has been generated on top of a cube by clicking the Generate Model button after creating an Analysis Services datasource in Report Manager. The connection string for that datasource reads:
Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=MyCubeDatabase
I expected there to be a connection string property I could set (such as "Timeout=120") but I can't seem to find that in the documentation anywhere... And Timeout=120 doesn't appear to do it. Do you know of one? If not, do you know of another way to put a timeout limit on a Report Builder generated query or a Report Builder report itself?
I tried setting the "Limit report execution to the following number of seconds" at /Reports/Pages/Settings.aspx in Report Manager to 120, but that does not appear to have an effect on Report Builder reports.
See the following bug I reported for more details:
This is quite an urgent issue for us as we go live in a week. Any help would be appreciated!
Time out is this a joke , this tool can't even get the rigth result's .... Maybe in version 11B pacth 12334 you have the time out feature