I am unclear if SSRS can handle this. We are using SSRS 2005 for a variety of things for a billing system; one of them being actual bill generation. The bills are generally one page long, but in rare exceptions can be multiplie pages. They end up being printed onto perforated paper at around the 8 inch mark, and we basically want to put a page footer there that is the "bill stub"... a section that summarizes the bill that they rip off and return with payment.
So, I guess the general problem is that I have a want to put a section of content at a specific place at the bottom of one and only one page (the first page would be preferrable, but the last page is also acceptable), in the middle of a report that has a table of bill line items of an indeterminate height.
I went down paths of looking at PageFooter, since it is generally the idea I am after, but I can't find a way to only show it on one page... on a 4 page bill, it always wants to print on page 2 AND 3 no matter what I do.
Thanks for any help that you can provide.
The only option supported is to print the footer on first or last page of the report (PrintOnFirstPage and PrintOnLastPage property respectively of the page footer band). Please note that currently RS (2000 and 2005) doesn't allow you to reclaim the space occupied in subsequent pages if the header/footer is not printed.|||Just pinging this thread to see if anyone has a good workaround for this type of issue. I'm trying to use SSRS 2005 for creating invoices (currently using Crystal Reports). I have specific text (also includes data from the dataset) that has to be on a specific section of the LAST page of the invoice (can be 1 or multiple pages). This is done in Crystal by creating a second PAGE FOOTER that's suppressed on every page except the last one. This issues (along with not being to keep table groups together) are causing so much difficulty in creating reports. It's hard to believe this product is missing so many basic functions. Typical MSFT in throwing something out there that gets you 80-90% of what you need. Do they even try real world situations like the basic necessity of having an invoice, bill, etc.
|||I don't think there is any way to suppress the whole Page Footer section. What you can try doing is giving a conditional visibility expression for the textbox that you have in your Page Footer.
For example if you want the text to shown only on the 1st page then the expression =IIf(Globals!PageNumber=1,false,true)
and if you want it only on the last page then =IIf(Globals!PageNumber=Globals!TotalPages,false,true) can be used.
Hope it helps,
|||I've already gone the expression route. I have a rectangle with a bunch of text boxes in it. I hide the rectangle on everypage but the last (IIf(Globals!PageNumber=Globals!TotalPages,false,true) ).
That works when displaying in the browser. However, when printing or exporting to pdf the "white space" where the rectangle is shows up on every page. I need it suppressed. This is an invoice so not being able to print it or export it to pdf to be emailed is pointless.
I tried to copy and paste the condition for only displaying on last page IIf(Globals!PageNumber=Globals!TotalPages,false,true) but it doesn't seem to be working and I am getting an error ") is missing" and it highlights "Globals" (first one).
Am I doing something wrong? Please advice. Thanks for your help
|||Looks correct to me. Sounds silly but I hope your expression starts with the '=' symbol, that is, =IIf(Globals!PageNumber=Globals!TotalPages,false,true)