For my own edification, I was wondering if this query can be written in some
other way(such as using Joins ... etc).
This query generates the daily cumulative totals.
Many Thanks,
Create table DailyOrders (OrderDate Datetime, OrderQty Int)
Insert DailyOrders values (getdate() - 8, 12)
Insert DailyOrders values (getdate() - 7, 22)
Insert DailyOrders values (getdate() - 6, 32)
Insert DailyOrders values (getdate() - 5, 42)
Insert DailyOrders values (getdate() - 4, 52)
Insert DailyOrders values (getdate() - 3, 62)
Insert DailyOrders values (getdate() - 2, 72)
Insert DailyOrders values (getdate() - 1, 82)
Insert DailyOrders values (getdate() - 0, 92)
select * from DailyOrders
--- --
2005-03-16 00:16:57.920 12
2005-03-17 00:16:57.967 22
2005-03-18 00:16:57.967 32
2005-03-19 00:16:57.967 42
2005-03-20 00:16:57.967 52
2005-03-21 00:16:57.967 62
2005-03-22 00:16:57.967 72
2005-03-23 00:16:57.967 82
2005-03-24 00:16:57.967 92
select D.OrderDate,
(select SUM(o.OrderQty) from DailyOrders O where o.OrderDate <=
D.OrderDate) CumulativeDailyQty
from DailyOrders D
order by d.OrderDate
OrderQty CumulativeDailyQty
--- -- --
2005-03-16 00:16:57.920 12
2005-03-17 00:16:57.967 22
2005-03-18 00:16:57.967 32
2005-03-19 00:16:57.967 42
2005-03-20 00:16:57.967 52
2005-03-21 00:16:57.967 62
2005-03-22 00:16:57.967 72
2005-03-23 00:16:57.967 82
2005-03-24 00:16:57.967 92
sum(d2.OrderQty) as CumulativeDailyQty
DailyOrders d1
inner join
DailyOrders d2
on d1.OrderDate >= d2.OrderDate
group by
order by
"gopi" wrote:
> Hello All,
> For my own edification, I was wondering if this query can be written in so
> other way(such as using Joins ... etc).
> This query generates the daily cumulative totals.
> Many Thanks,
> Gopi
> Create table DailyOrders (OrderDate Datetime, OrderQty Int)
> Insert DailyOrders values (getdate() - 8, 12)
> Insert DailyOrders values (getdate() - 7, 22)
> Insert DailyOrders values (getdate() - 6, 32)
> Insert DailyOrders values (getdate() - 5, 42)
> Insert DailyOrders values (getdate() - 4, 52)
> Insert DailyOrders values (getdate() - 3, 62)
> Insert DailyOrders values (getdate() - 2, 72)
> Insert DailyOrders values (getdate() - 1, 82)
> Insert DailyOrders values (getdate() - 0, 92)
> select * from DailyOrders
> OrderDate
> OrderQty
> --- --
> 2005-03-16 00:16:57.920 12
> 2005-03-17 00:16:57.967 22
> 2005-03-18 00:16:57.967 32
> 2005-03-19 00:16:57.967 42
> 2005-03-20 00:16:57.967 52
> 2005-03-21 00:16:57.967 62
> 2005-03-22 00:16:57.967 72
> 2005-03-23 00:16:57.967 82
> 2005-03-24 00:16:57.967 92
> select D.OrderDate,
> D.OrderQty,
> (select SUM(o.OrderQty) from DailyOrders O where o.OrderDate <=
> D.OrderDate) CumulativeDailyQty
> from DailyOrders D
> order by d.OrderDate
> OrderDate
> OrderQty CumulativeDailyQty
> --- -- --
> 2005-03-16 00:16:57.920 12
> 12
> 2005-03-17 00:16:57.967 22
> 34
> 2005-03-18 00:16:57.967 32
> 66
> 2005-03-19 00:16:57.967 42
> 108
> 2005-03-20 00:16:57.967 52
> 160
> 2005-03-21 00:16:57.967 62
> 222
> 2005-03-22 00:16:57.967 72
> 294
> 2005-03-23 00:16:57.967 82
> 376
> 2005-03-24 00:16:57.967 92
> 468
this will work, and i think that it might be slightly more efficient
than the other two methods as it only has to do one table scan:
select D.OrderDate,
SUM(d.OrderQty) CumulativeDailyQty
from DailyOrders D
group by D.OrderDate, D.OrderQty
having D.OrderDate <= D.OrderDate
order by d.OrderDate|||"gopi" <> wrote in message
> Hello All,
> For my own edification, I was wondering if this query can be written in
> some other way(such as using Joins ... etc).
> This query generates the daily cumulative totals.
The real answer is No.The culprit, whether in a subquery or join, is the
the inequality operator (o.OrderDate <= D.OrderDate) which requires
way too many comparisons especially on a large table.There are no
ansi sql construct(s) in S2k to allow writing this query without that
comparison:).Sql99 and 2003 address this kind of problem in a much
more efficient way by eliminating the need for the inequality comparison.
For example, check out the thread:
and see the DB2 solution to the problem.Oracle also supports what is
referred to as analytic/olap/windowing constructs.
Apparently you can wait a year to see that this functionality is still
from Yukon:( Redmonds short shrift to sql in comparion to its major
competition is puzzling at the very least. (Does anyone know who is
responsible for t-sql there?:) On the other hand many people eat by
Do I hear anyone thinking about Cursors/Client programming?:)
What of portability:)
You might be interested in the RAC solution posted in the above thread.
No inequality comparions,no cursors,no functions:).
RAC and QALite @.|||Think about the predicate "D.OrderDate <= D.OrderDate"; it is always
SELECT D1.order_date , D1.order_qty,
SUM (D2.order_qty) AS cum_daily_qty
FROM DailyOrders AS D1, DailyOrders AS D2
WHERE D2.order_date <= D1.order_date
GROUP BY D1.OrderDate, D1.OrderQty;|||Talk about magnetic tape drives! :)
"--CELKO--" <> wrote in message
> Think about the predicate "D.OrderDate <= D.OrderDate"; it is always
> SELECT D1.order_date , D1.order_qty,
> SUM (D2.order_qty) AS cum_daily_qty
> FROM DailyOrders AS D1, DailyOrders AS D2
> WHERE D2.order_date <= D1.order_date
> GROUP BY D1.OrderDate, D1.OrderQty;
>|||Hello AMB,
I tested these two queries and looks like the first query is efficient than
the second one as it takes 45.10% when compared to 54.90%
when I ran these two together. I created the following index :
CREATE INDEX [x] ON [dbo].[DailyOrders] ([OrderDate]) ON [PRIMARY]
[1] First Query
select D.OrderDate,
(select SUM(o.OrderQty) from DailyOrders O where o.OrderDate <=
D.OrderDate) CumulativeDailyQty
from DailyOrders D
order by d.OrderDate
|--Compute Scalar(DEFINE:([Expr1002]=[Expr1002]))
|--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([D].[OrderDate]))
|--Bookmark Lookup(BOOKMARK:([Bmk1000]),
OBJECT:([Pubs].[dbo].[DailyOrders] AS [D]))
| |--Index Scan(OBJECT:([Pubs].[dbo].[DailyOrders].[x] AS
|--Hash Match(Cache, HASH:([D].[OrderDate]),
|--Compute Scalar(DEFINE:([Expr1002]=If ([Expr1011]=0) then
NULL else [Expr1012]))
|--Bookmark Lookup(BOOKMARK:([Bmk1001]),
OBJECT:([Pubs].[dbo].[DailyOrders] AS [O]))

<= [D].[OrderDate]) ORDERED FORWARD)
Application Profile Statistics
Timer resolution (milliseconds) 0 0
Number of INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements 0 0
Rows effected by INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements 0 0
Number of SELECT statements 2 2.66667
Rows effected by SELECT statements 19 24.6667
Number of user transactions 5 6
Average fetch time 0 0
Cumulative fetch time 0 0
Number of fetches 0 0
Number of open statement handles 0 0
Max number of opened statement handles 0 0
Cumulative number of statement handles 0 0
Network Statistics
Number of server roundtrips 3 3.33333
Number of TDS packets sent 3 3.33333
Number of TDS packets received 4 4.66667
Number of bytes sent 504 659.333
Number of bytes received 6141 7969.33
Time Statistics
Cumulative client processing time 0 0.666667
Cumulative wait time on server replies 0 0
[2] Second Query
select d1.OrderDate,
sum(d2.OrderQty) as CumulativeDailyQty
from DailyOrders d1
inner join DailyOrders d2 on d1.OrderDate >= d2.OrderDate
group by d1.OrderDate,
order by d1.OrderDate
|--Compute Scalar(DEFINE:([Expr1002]=If ([Expr1009]=0) then NULL else
|--Stream Aggregate(GROUP BY:([d1].[OrderDate], [d1].[OrderQty])
|--Bookmark Lookup(BOOKMARK:([Bmk1001]),
OBJECT:([Pubs].[dbo].[DailyOrders] AS [d2]))
|--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER
|--Sort(ORDER BY:([d1].[OrderDate] ASC,
[d1].[OrderQty] ASC))
| |--Table Scan(OBJECT:([Pubs].[dbo].[DailyOrders]
AS [d1]))
|--Index S

AS [d2]), SEEK:([d2].[OrderDate] <= [d1].[OrderDate]) ORDERED FORWARD)
Application Profile Statistics
Timer resolution (milliseconds) 0 0
Number of INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements 0 0
Rows effected by INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements 0 0
Number of SELECT statements 1 1
Rows effected by SELECT statements 9 9
Number of user transactions 1 1
Average fetch time 0 0
Cumulative fetch time 0 0
Number of fetches 0 0
Number of open statement handles 0 0
Max number of opened statement handles 0 0
Cumulative number of statement handles 0 0
Network Statistics
Number of server roundtrips 1 1
Number of TDS packets sent 1 1
Number of TDS packets received 1 1
Number of bytes sent 466 466
Number of bytes received 296 296
Time Statistics
Cumulative client processing time 0 0.333333
Cumulative wait time on server replies 0 0
Many Thanks,
"Alejandro Mesa" <> wrote in message
> Try,
> select
> d1.OrderDate,
> d1.OrderQty,
> sum(d2.OrderQty) as CumulativeDailyQty
> from
> DailyOrders d1
> inner join
> DailyOrders d2
> on d1.OrderDate >= d2.OrderDate
> group by
> d1.OrderDate,
> d1.OrderQty
> order by
> d1.OrderDate
> go
> "gopi" wrote:
>|||Actually, I added D.OrderQty to the first query and now it takes the same
amount of time as the second.
I think it is because of the Clustered Index on OrderDate and the addition
of the OrderQty column forced
the Query Optimtimizer to reorder.
select D.OrderDate,
(select SUM(o.OrderQty) from DailyOrders O where o.OrderDate <=
D.OrderDate) CumulativeDailyQty
from DailyOrders D
order by d.OrderDate, D.OrderQty
"rgn" <> wrote in message
> Hello AMB,
> I tested these two queries and looks like the first query is efficient
> than the second one as it takes 45.10% when compared to 54.90%
> when I ran these two together. I created the following index :
> CREATE INDEX [x] ON [dbo].[DailyOrders] ([OrderDate]) ON [PRIMARY]
> [1] First Query
> select D.OrderDate,
> D.OrderQty,
> (select SUM(o.OrderQty) from DailyOrders O where o.OrderDate <=
> D.OrderDate) CumulativeDailyQty
> from DailyOrders D
> order by d.OrderDate
> GO
> StmtText
> ----
> |--Compute Scalar(DEFINE:([Expr1002]=[Expr1002]))
> |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([D].[OrderDate]))
> |--Bookmark Lookup(BOOKMARK:([Bmk1000]),
> OBJECT:([Pubs].[dbo].[DailyOrders] AS [D]))
> | |--Index Scan(OBJECT:([Pubs].[dbo].[DailyOrders].[x] AS
> |--Hash Match(Cache, HASH:([D].[OrderDate]),
> RESIDUAL:([D].[OrderDate]=[D].[OrderDate]))
> |--Compute Scalar(DEFINE:([Expr1002]=If ([Expr1011]=0)
> then NULL else [Expr1012]))
> |--Stream
> Aggregate(DEFINE:([Expr1011]=COUNT_BIG([
> [Expr1012]=SUM([O].[OrderQty])))
> |--Bookmark Lookup(BOOKMARK:([Bmk1001]),
> OBJECT:([Pubs].[dbo].[DailyOrders] AS [O]))
> |--Index
> S

> <= [D].[OrderDate]) ORDERED FORWARD)
> Application Profile Statistics
> Timer resolution (milliseconds) 0 0
> Number of INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements 0 0
> Rows effected by INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements 0 0
> Number of SELECT statements 2 2.66667
> Rows effected by SELECT statements 19 24.6667
> Number of user transactions 5 6
> Average fetch time 0 0
> Cumulative fetch time 0 0
> Number of fetches 0 0
> Number of open statement handles 0 0
> Max number of opened statement handles 0 0
> Cumulative number of statement handles 0 0
> Network Statistics
> Number of server roundtrips 3 3.33333
> Number of TDS packets sent 3 3.33333
> Number of TDS packets received 4 4.66667
> Number of bytes sent 504 659.333
> Number of bytes received 6141 7969.33
> Time Statistics
> Cumulative client processing time 0 0.666667
> Cumulative wait time on server replies 0 0
> [2] Second Query
> select d1.OrderDate,
> d1.OrderQty,
> sum(d2.OrderQty) as CumulativeDailyQty
> from DailyOrders d1
> inner join DailyOrders d2 on d1.OrderDate >= d2.OrderDate
> group by d1.OrderDate,
> d1.OrderQty
> order by d1.OrderDate
> go
> StmtText
> ----
> |--Compute Scalar(DEFINE:([Expr1002]=If ([Expr1009]=0) then NULL else
> [Expr1010]))
> |--Stream Aggregate(GROUP BY:([d1].[OrderDate], [d1].[OrderQty])
> DEFINE:([Expr1009]=COUNT_BIG([d2].[OrderQty]),
> [Expr1010]=SUM([d2].[OrderQty])))
> |--Bookmark Lookup(BOOKMARK:([Bmk1001]),
> OBJECT:([Pubs].[dbo].[DailyOrders] AS [d2]))
> |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER
> REFERENCES:([d1].[OrderDate]))
> |--Sort(ORDER BY:([d1].[OrderDate] ASC,
> [d1].[OrderQty] ASC))
> | |--Table Scan(OBJECT:([Pubs].[dbo].[DailyOrders]
> AS [d1]))
> |--Index S

> AS [d2]), SEEK:([d2].[OrderDate] <= [d1].[OrderDate]) ORDERED FORWARD)
> Application Profile Statistics
> Timer resolution (milliseconds) 0 0
> Number of INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements 0 0
> Rows effected by INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements 0 0
> Number of SELECT statements 1 1
> Rows effected by SELECT statements 9 9
> Number of user transactions 1 1
> Average fetch time 0 0
> Cumulative fetch time 0 0
> Number of fetches 0 0
> Number of open statement handles 0 0
> Max number of opened statement handles 0 0
> Cumulative number of statement handles 0 0
> Network Statistics
> Number of server roundtrips 1 1
> Number of TDS packets sent 1 1
> Number of TDS packets received 1 1
> Number of bytes sent 466 466
> Number of bytes received 296 296
> Time Statistics
> Cumulative client processing time 0 0.333333
> Cumulative wait time on server replies 0 0
> Many Thanks,
> Gopi
> "Alejandro Mesa" <> wrote in
> message