i wanna show CST time in the report which are later than UTC time by 6 hours.SO we used dateADD(hh,-6,getUTSdate())
but the CST time will execute day light saving.
we r not sure where the server locates finally.
anyone kows some good ways to solve this issue?
Move the server to Arizona
{Just kidding }
You could check the registry for the Keys:
located at:
As Arnie said we need to fetch few data from the Registry.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones here you can find all the timezones and the corresponding offset(Standard & Daylight) values.
If your program written in .NET then its simple to call these objects (note: the regeistry hold few binary information which can deserilaized as objcet, it is responsible to convert the given UTC time to standard/daylight time). You have to use P/Invoke to call collect these infomarion.
|||Take a look at this and see if it might address your problem:
|||In 2005, you can use the CLR functions to deal with this. In a blog a while back (http://drsql.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns!80677FB08B3162E4!1311.entry) I posted a solution to the problem of UTC to server time. It is basically using the Date type in VB.NET to do the conversion. As I recall, you can also specify the time zone on the date type as well.