
Any hosting for Report Services

Does anyone know of a commercial hosting service that is supporting the new Reporting Services? The hosters I have talked to don't even know what it is.In case anyone is interested, MaximumASP is now offering Reporting Services along with their SQL 2000. Haven't actually tried it yet, but getting ready to.|||ASPWired also has Reporting Services...

JK|||anyone know a host supporting RS in the United Kingdom ?! not after a dedicated server setup - too expensive ... thanks|||

Don't have the answer that you need, but if you find that you're only option is to use a host in the States, I use RS at both MaximumASP and DiscountASP on shared accounts (not dedicated servers). Works absolutely great. We produce thousands of reports a month.

|||yes thanks - i actually opened an account with DiscountASP.NET last week to test it all and it IS great but the trans-atlantic time lag is a little annoying ... yep, it still exists even today! i am very close to going with them for my client but i may have to bite the bullet and take out a dedicated server instead

