Folks, does anyone know if there is a keyboard shortcut to open a database table in Management Studio? I refer to the equivalent to right-clicking on a table to choose "open table", in order to view/edit the data.
I find no reference to an equivalent in the menu, nor even any reference to "open table" in the online help. I've dug around the web, to no avail. Surely other keyboard fans must groan at the need to touch the mouse for this frequent operation. Thanks in advance.
Windows functionality:
SHIFT+F10 Opens a shortcut menu for the selected item (this is the same as right-clicking an object
ALT+underlined letter in menu: Opens the menu
Thanks, but that's about creating new shortcuts. I was looking for any existing ones. The previous answer about using shift-f10 will suffice.
As for why one would use the "open table" option, do you realize that it permits editing the data? That's certainly much easier in that interface than using SQL statements in query analyzer. Sure, you're right that if you had a large table it may not make sense. I don't, so it works fine for me.