Hi sageata2002,
I've got the same problem, and still searching the solution.
Perhaps we have to downgrade to SQL-Server 2005 x86 (32bit), where the MSDASQL-Provider (OLEDB Bridge for ODBC) is available....
I am waiting for an answer from a company named Openlink, since they told me they will provide the solution in couple of days (their driver is still in beta). I will keep anyone posted about this, and, if successful, I will provide the details (my understanding is that the same procedure will apply to Oracle, for example).
|||Can you inform me, as soon as the Openlink-Solution is available?
That would be greatful!
Thank you very much.
Heiko Stahl
TQ-Systems GmbH

In the meantime I have contacted OpenLink, too.
I got a evaluation-version of an OLEDB-Provider for ODBC.
(download here:
http://download.openlinksw.com/uda/open60/wil6zole.msi ;; IA64
http://download.openlinksw.com/uda/open60/wal6zole.msi ;; AMD64
Unfortunately this Bridge works only with 64bit ODBC drivers, but our Informix SE is only 32 bit.
I must downgrade the SQL-Server to 32bit, no other way can help.