
Any good books on Microsoft Reporting Services for a Visual Studio developer?

I'm starting to useMicrosoft Reporting Services and coming from a Crystal background. I'm wondering if anyone is aware of a good book that addresses development of Microsoft reports within the Visual Studio context.



I just ordered Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services 2005 by Brian Larson through amazon this morning. It is supposed to be here tomorrow sometime. I can let you know if it is any good. It did get good reviews on the amazon site and I also found amazon to be the cheapest.

I am having problems with my reporting deployment to the server. It keeps telling me that the ASPNET account does not have sufficient privileges to perform the operation.

|||I have been using Brian Larson's book (SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services) for several months and it is wonderful. It reminds me of a good Wrox book in the sense that it uses cumulative examples where a report that was developed earlier may be used as the basis for demonstrating a new feature. (Don't get me wrong - there are a bunch of report types in the book including Web Services.) You can work through the examples yourself or there is downloadable source code. The book covers both the design and administration side of Reporting Services. The book is less than 600 pages (not counting the appendices) and it has many screen shots that make explicit what the author has just described in words. I like that. The examples really work and files that he references are present in the folders where he states they will be found. I like that even more. Larson isn't just a technical guy who knows a lot about this product; he's an accomplished writer as well. I found that the book was a fairly quick read that managed to leave a lot of knowledge behind after I put it down for the final time. Did I mention that I recommend it?|||Hey guyin kalamazoo,

I just recently went through this learning curve. You have to add permissions for ASPNET to the database that the datasource is trying to access. Unless you store the credentials in the datasource, then it will use those credentials to access the database.

Anyway, look into the permissions for ASPNET on the machine with the database, and make sure you have the proper roles setup on the reporting server.

I hope this helps, as I am still relatively new to SSRS2005.


